We got a lot of organization and moving done today, preparing the wood shop area for the builders to continue putting up the walls on Monday. Kamal, John, Sara, Mike and I moved the temporary partitions and large benches around to clear space for the construction.

Most importantly, Sara reorganized the “kitchen” allowing us to move the giant radial arm saw that was holding up the coffee station into the wood-shop-to-be, where it belongs.

The bathroom is also progressing well. The old buried sink has been demolished and the walls are framed. We have a new project: remove the rubble. We’ll be putting together a day to get dirty and get this stuff out.

To finish out the day, I finally got around to printing some parts, putting together a Klann Linkage to test how things fit together. It worked (mostly) well, so the next stage will be to make a four-legged walker, then comes the challenge of getting motor into it.