A community makerspace in Lowell, Massachusetts
Lowell Makes is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, shared community workshop and laboratory. We are an organized group of local artists, engineers, makers, and thinkers who work together to provide tools and learning resources to the public. We use these resources to collaborate on individual and community projects in order to promote science, technology and art; while working and experimenting on innovative ideas to encourage learning within our community.
Our weekly tours on Wednesday nights are the best time to see our makerspace.

Get Ready to Learn, Create, and Connect at Mill City Skill Share!
Saturday, March 29th from 11 AM to 5 PM
The 13th Annual Mill City Skill Share is just around the corner, and we’re excited to invite you to be part of this community-driven celebration of hands-on learning and creativity! Whether you’re interested in crafting, technology, artmaking, or trades, there’s a workshop or live demonstration for every passion and talent.
Join us on March 29, 2025 at Lowell Makes for an inspiring day of exploration and skill-sharing.
Skill Share is open to the public and free to attend. Preregistration for this event has ended, but walk-ins are welcome. Learn more about this exciting event!

Lowell Makes Membership
Members benefit from:
- 24/7 Access to our tools & space
- A voice in how the organization is run
- Discounts on some classes and workshops
- Members-only forums and mailing list
On the 1st Tuesday of each month, there is an Official Monthly Membership Meeting at 7:00PM. Official meetings involve committee reports and voting on matters concerning the Makerspace.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Gold Sponsors: Gallagher & Cavanaugh LLP, Dan & Kathy Tappan, Amy & James Saunders, and John Noto (in honor of Dorothy & Tony Noto)
Platinum Sponsors: RIKON Power Tools and UKG

Learn more about sponsorship